Git: Changes Getting Overwritten? Don’t Panic! Here’s What to Do
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Git: Changes Getting Overwritten? Don’t Panic! Here’s What to Do

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So, you’ve spent hours making changes to your code, committed them, and pushed them to the remote repository. But when you pull the latest changes, you realize that your hard work has vanished into thin air. It’s as if your changes never existed! You’re not alone; it’s a frustrating problem that many Git users face – changes getting overwritten. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of Git and figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

Why Are My Changes Getting Overwritten?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand the possible reasons behind this phenomenon. There are a few common culprits:

  • Force Push: Someone, possibly you, has performed a force push (git push --force) which overwrites the remote repository, discarding your commits.
  • Rewriting History: A teammate has rewritten the commit history, possibly using git rebase or git commit --amend, which can cause your changes to disappear.
  • Git Pull: When you run git pull, Git attempts to merge the remote changes into your local branch. If the merge is not done correctly, your changes might get lost in the process.
  • Branch Confusion: You might be working on the wrong branch or have incorrect branch configurations, leading to changes being overwritten.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Don’t worry; we’re about to walk through a step-by-step guide to help you recover your lost changes and prevent this from happening in the future.

Step 1: Check the Commit History

Run the following command to check the commit history:

git log --graph --oneline --all

This command will display a graphical representation of your commit history, allowing you to identify any commits that might have been lost or overwritten.

Step 2: Identify the Problematic Commit

Find the commit that contains your lost changes and note its commit hash. You can use gitk --all or git log --graph --oneline --all to visualize the commit history and identify the problematic commit.

Step 3: Create a New Branch

Create a new branch based on the problematic commit:

git branch recovery-branch 

This new branch will contain the commits up to the point where your changes got overwritten.

Step 4: Cherry-Pick the Lost Commits

Cherry-pick the lost commits onto the new branch:

git cherry-pick 

This will apply the lost commits on top of the new branch, effectively recovering your changes.

Step 5: Merge the Recovery Branch

Merge the recovery branch into your main branch:

git checkout main
git merge recovery-branch

This will merge the recovered changes into your main branch, ensuring that your changes are now part of the main commit history.

Step 6: Push the Changes

Finally, push the updated branch to the remote repository:

git push origin main

Congratulations! You’ve successfully recovered your lost changes and prevented them from getting overwritten again.

Preventing Changes from Getting Overwritten

To avoid this problem in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Use git pull --rebase instead of git pull: This will rebase your local commits on top of the latest remote changes, preventing merge commits.
  2. Avoid force pushing: Only use force push when absolutely necessary, and make sure you’re aware of the consequences.
  3. Use git pull --ff-only: This will only update your local branch if the remote branch has a fast-forward update, preventing non-fast-forward updates that can cause changes to be overwritten.
  4. Communicate with your team: Make sure your team is aware of any changes to the commit history, and coordinate with each other to prevent conflicts.


Losing changes to Git can be frustrating, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can recover your hard work and prevent it from happening again. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and fix the issue, and by adopting the best practices, you’ll ensure that your changes are safe and secure.

Troubleshooting Checklist
Step 1 Check the commit history using git log --graph --oneline --all
Step 2 Identify the problematic commit and note its commit hash
Step 3 Create a new branch based on the problematic commit using git branch recovery-branch
Step 4 Cherry-pick the lost commits onto the new branch using git cherry-pick
Step 5 Merge the recovery branch into your main branch using git checkout main and git merge recovery-branch
Step 6 Push the updated branch to the remote repository using git push origin main

Remember, with Git, it’s essential to stay vigilant and keep track of your changes. By following these steps and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Git and avoiding the frustration of lost changes.

Frequently Asked Question

Git, the wonderland of version control! But, sometimes, changes get overwritten, and you’re left wondering what just happened.

What happens when I pull changes from a branch and my local changes get overwritten?

Don’t panic! When you pull changes from a branch, Git tries to merge the changes from the remote branch with your local changes. If your local changes are not committed, they will be overwritten. To avoid this, commit your local changes before pulling from the remote branch, or use `git stash` to temporarily save your changes and restore them later.

How do I prevent Git from overwriting my changes when switching branches?

Easy peasy! Before switching branches, make sure to commit your changes or use `git stash` to save them temporarily. You can also use `git checkout -m` to merge your changes with the new branch. If you’re in the middle of something, use `git checkout -b new-branch` to create a new branch from your current state, and then switch to the new branch.

What if I accidentally overwrite someone else’s changes in Git?

Oops! If you overwrite someone else’s changes, you can use `git revert` to undo the commit that caused the overwrite. Then, use `git cherry-pick` to reapply the original changes. If you’re not sure what to do, communicate with your team and work together to resolve the issue.

How do I recover a file that was overwritten by a Git pull?

Rescue mission! If you’ve overwritten a file with a Git pull, you can use `git checkout HEAD~1 — file.txt` to recover the previous version of the file. Alternatively, use `git reset –hard HEAD~1` to revert to the previous commit, and then reapply your changes.

What are some best practices to avoid changes getting overwritten in Git?

Be proactive! Commit your changes regularly, use meaningful commit messages, and communicate with your team about changes. Use `git status` and `git diff` to keep track of your changes, and use `git branch` to manage multiple branches. Finally, use `git pull –rebase` to rebase your local changes on top of the latest remote changes.