How to get ASP.NET Core MVC Kendo grid to display and bind a dropdown from a partial view
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How to get ASP.NET Core MVC Kendo grid to display and bind a dropdown from a partial view

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Are you tired of struggling to get that pesky dropdown to work in your ASP.NET Core MVC Kendo grid? Do you find yourself banging your head against the wall, wondering why it just won’t bind correctly? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the solution to this common conundrum.

Why is this a problem?

The issue arises when we try to display a dropdown list in a Kendo grid, which is a fantastic tool for displaying and editing data in a tabular format. The problem is that the Kendo grid expects the dropdown list to be bound to a specific property in our model, but when we try to use a partial view to generate the dropdown, things get a bit hairy.

The Culprit: Partial Views

Partial views are a great way to break up complex UI components into smaller, reusable pieces. However, when we use a partial view to generate a dropdown list, the Kendo grid has difficulty understanding how to bind the selected value to our model. This is because the partial view is essentially a separate entity from the grid, and the grid doesn’t know how to communicate with it.

The Solution: Using a Custom TEMPLATE

The solution lies in using a custom template for the Kendo grid column that will display the dropdown list. This template will allow us to use a partial view to generate the dropdown, while still maintaining the binding to our model.

Step 1: Create the Partial View

First, let’s create a partial view that will generate the dropdown list. We’ll call it `_DropDownList.cshtml`. In this view, we’ll use a `Select` statement to generate the dropdown options:

    @model YourModel


Step 2: Create the Custom Template

Next, we’ll create a custom template for the Kendo grid column that will display the dropdown list. We’ll call it `DropDownTemplate.cshtml`. In this template, we’ll use the `Html.Partial` method to render our partial view:

    @model YourModel

    @(Html.Partial("_DropDownList", Model))

Step 3: Configure the Kendo Grid

Now, let’s configure the Kendo grid to use our custom template:

        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Bound(p => p.YourProperty).ClientTemplate(Html.Partial("DropDownTemplate", Model).ToHtmlString()).Width(150);
            // Add other columns as needed
        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
            .Read(read => read.Action("Read", "YourController"))
            // Add other datasource settings as needed

Binding the Selected Value

Now that we’ve got our dropdown displaying in the Kendo grid, we need to bind the selected value to our model. To do this, we’ll use the `ClientTemplate` method to specify a JavaScript function that will update the model when the dropdown value changes.

Step 1: Add a Hidden Field

First, we’ll add a hidden field to our `_DropDownList.cshtml` partial view to store the selected value:

    @model YourModel


    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.YourProperty)

Step 2: Update the ClientTemplate

Next, we’ll update the `ClientTemplate` method to call a JavaScript function that will update the hidden field when the dropdown value changes:

    columns.Bound(p => p.YourProperty).ClientTemplate(Html.Partial("DropDownTemplate", Model).ToHtmlString() + "#= YourProperty #").Width(150);

Step 3: Add the JavaScript Function

Finally, we’ll add the JavaScript function that will update the hidden field:

        function updateDropdownValue(e) {
            var value = $(e.sender.element).val();


And there you have it, folks! With these simple steps, you should now be able to display and bind a dropdown list in a Kendo grid using a partial view. Remember to customize the code to fit your specific needs, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.

Step Description
1 Create the partial view for the dropdown list
2 Create the custom template for the Kendo grid column
3 Configure the Kendo grid to use the custom template
4 Add a hidden field to store the selected value
5 Update the ClientTemplate method to call a JavaScript function
6 Add the JavaScript function to update the hidden field

By following these steps, you’ll be able to overcome the hurdle of displaying and binding a dropdown list in a Kendo grid using a partial view. Happy coding!

Remember to replace `YourModel`, `YourProperty`, `YourCollection`, `YourDropdownName`, and `YourController` with your actual model, property, collection, dropdown name, and controller name.Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How to get ASP.NET Core MVC Kendo grid to display and bind a dropdown from a partial view”:

Frequently Asked Question

Kendo grid is a powerful tool, but sometimes it can be a bit finicky. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about getting ASP.NET Core MVC Kendo grid to display and bind a dropdown from a partial view.

Q1: How do I render a dropdown list in a Kendo grid column from a partial view?

To render a dropdown list in a Kendo grid column from a partial view, you’ll need to use the `ClientTemplate` property and point it to a JavaScript function that will render the dropdown. In your partial view, create a JavaScript function that returns the HTML for the dropdown, and then call that function in the `ClientTemplate` property of your Kendo grid column.

Q2: How do I bind the selected value of the dropdown to the model in the Kendo grid?

To bind the selected value of the dropdown to the model in the Kendo grid, you’ll need to use the `Editor` property of the grid column and specify a custom editor template that includes the dropdown. Then, in the `Editor` function, you can use the `BindTo` method to bind the selected value to the model property.

Q3: What’s the best way to populate the dropdown list in the partial view?

One approach is to use a view model that contains the list of items for the dropdown, and then pass that view model to the partial view. You can then use Razor syntax to iterate over the list and generate the dropdown options.

Q4: How do I handle changes to the selected value of the dropdown?

To handle changes to the selected value of the dropdown, you can use the `Change` event of the dropdown and call the `refresh` method of the grid to update the model with the new value. You can also use JavaScript to update the model directly and then call the `sync` method of the grid to save the changes.

Q5: Can I use a remote data source to populate the dropdown list?

Yes, you can use a remote data source to populate the dropdown list by using the `DataSource` property of the dropdown and specifying a remote URL that returns the list of items. You’ll need to use JavaScript to fetch the data and populate the dropdown, but it’s definitely possible!

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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